Fortune Network의 기본 채굴속도는 1F인데, 아래에 정답을 적어둔 문제들을 풀 경우 한 문제당 1F씩 채굴 속도가 상승하게 된다.
현재 총 36문항으로 이를 모두 통과할 경우 채굴속도는 1F에서 37F로 껑충 뛰어오르게 되니, 가입 후 필수적으로 수행해야될 미션이라 할 수 있겠다.
Study room에서 2분 남짓의 동영상을 시청하면, 동영상 재상 완료 후 하단에 문제와 보기가 나오게 되는데, 아래의 답안을 참고하여 문항을 풀고, 다음 문항으로 넘어가는 방식으로 진행하면 되겠다.
Chapter 1
1-1. What is on the other side of every transaction?
A : Money
1-2. What does the existi ng banking system do?
A : extract value from society
2-1. What is not a characteristic of commodity money?
A : it’s eateble
2-2. How did we used to keep track of debt in tribes?
A : Mental Ledger
3-1. How long did the WuShu in China held it’s value?
A : 500 years
3-2. How do money arise?
A : natually
4-1. How did paper money appeared?
A : It was created as a promise from reputable sources?
4-2. What is a debasement?
A : Subsitution of metal in coins that is cheaper than silver and gold
5-1. How did the goldsmiths became banks?
A : they realized people want the IOU paper money
5-2. What happen with money that cannot be controlled by the government?
A : They cannot be debased or controlled
6-1. What are government bonds?
A : a way for government to spend money they don’t have
6-2. Where did the loans came from?
A : rich merchant houses
7-1. What did President Roosevelt forced people to do in 1993
A : Sell their gold at a fixed price or go to prison
7-2. What did the politicians decide in 1913 it is in the best interest of the country?
A : have a permanet central bank
8. What was the connection between the US dollar and gold?
A : the Dollar was a certificate of gold ownership and you could trade it at the bank
9-1. What did other nations required from the US?
A : gold in return for paper dollars
9-2. What backs Up the US Dollar Currently?
A : Trust the government
Chapter 2
1. What do people base their knowledge about money on?
A : Rumors
2. How do today government create Money?
A : flipping US treasury bonds
3. How much money does te Fed earns for it’s share holders?
A : 80 Billions a year
4. What task has the FED been given?
A : run the Credit and monetary System
5. How can government sedate the boom and bust cycles?
A : moving the money supply up and down
6. Who pays for the compound interest?
A : Those who do not understand it
7-1. How many loaves of bread you can buy with a dollar now?
A : 1
7-2. In inflation is 2% ever year how much inflation tax are you paying on your net worth?
A : 2%
7-3. How many loaves of bread you could buy with a dollar in 1993?
A : 16
8-1. What is the current worth of one Dollar?
A : 4 cents
8-2. How much would a dollar be worth not if you invest at 2% in 1913?
A : 7.24$
9-1. What is the percent of paper money in the UK?
A : 3%
9-2. What are banks for our money?
A : Proprietors
10. What is the percent of paper money in the UK?
A : 3%
11-1. What kind of money do the banks use?
A : Virtual money
11-2. Do banks need your money?
A : Yes
12-1. What started the 2008 Financial Crisis?
A : Banks seling bad loans
12-2. How many jobs where destoryed by the Magic Money Machine in 2008?
A : 30 million
13. What is the banking system doing to the economy?
A : Harvest money from it into the hands of the very few?
14-1. What would happen with a medieval banker that could not pay his depositors?
A : get hanged
14-2. What would happen with a banker from this day and get that could not pay his depositors?
A : get a fine
15. Where do the most revolutionary and disruptive innovation comes from?
A : Fringe, square cogs in round holes
16. How did the political and religious leaders greet Gutenbreg’s printing press?
A : punishing printing as a crime and dangerous idea
17. Why is humanity at crossroads
A : New Technology invented
Chapter 3
1-1. What is the one of most important technology since civilization started?
A : Blockchain
1-2. What is full consensual distributed ledger called?
A : Blockchain
2-1. What problem dose Bitcoin claims to have solved?
A : individual parties to find a way to guarantee full consensus
2-2. Do you need a technical background in order to understand crypto?
A : No
3-1. What is Bitcoin?
A : a trust machine
3-2. What is bitcoin as a technical machine?
A : a decentralized network
4-1. Why Satoshi chose an open source?
A : So you can trust the system not the person
4-2. Who in Satoshi Nakamoto?
A : Pseudonym
Chapter 4
1-1. What dose a block contain?
A : Data, Hash, Hash of previous block
1-2. When was the digital thmestamp invented?
A : 1991
1-3. What is a hash?
A : Similar to a fingerprint
1-4. Can you tamper with the Blockchain?
A : No
2-1 How dose a smart contract work?
A : All of the above
2-2 Who do people trust when it comes to a blockchain?
A : The condition in the smart contract
2-3 In what industry can smart contract can work?
A : All of the above
3-1 What was POW created for in 1997?
A : To combat spam emails
3-2 What does POW mean for Bitcoin?
A : Is the process of creatinf more Bitcoin
3-3 How many miners does POS have?
A : Non
3-4 What does POS contain in order to confirm a transaction?
A : Vaildators
Chapter 5
1. What is the rule of investing?
A : Stay in the market
Sponcered Vidoes
1-1 What is Herity Network all about
A : All of the above
1-2 Will Herity Network donate to charity and how much?
A : 8%
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